Managing Staff Members of a Team
Every team has an owner and a list of coaches. While the owner of a team cannot be changed, coaches of a team can be changed whenever needed. The number of coaches you can add to a team is defined by the plan and additional licenses you purchased. Making changes is very easy, freeing up your time to take care of important business and not wasting time making administrative adjustments.
Member Roles
You can read about member roles in more detail in the getting started guide Understanding Member Roles. Here is a quick summary:
- Owner
Only owners can create and delete teams. An owner of a team has no restrictions.
- Coach
Coaches can add and manage clients and their goals. Coaches with administrative rights can also invite and manage other coaches.
Adding a Staff Member
Quick Step Tutorial
- Go to your team's Members menu
- Choose the Add Member option from the Action button
- Enter your staff member's details
- Adjust the Team Access setting to Coach or higher
Like clients, staff members need to be invited to a team. An owner or team administrator owning more than one team can move staff members between teams that he/she owns without having to create an invitation every time.
From the teams administration site click the Members option for the team you want to administer.
From the main Action button, select the Add Member option. This will open the invitation widget, where you can add some information about your staff member. We recommend that you enter a first name, last name and e-mail address. You can add additional fields from the Add Field button to enter contact and personal information if needed.
With the Team Access setting select either the Coach or Team Administrator option. When you are done entering your staff member's details and have adjusted the access setting, create the invitation using the Save button.
When you've entered an e-mail address for the staff member, Goalify can send an invitation e-mail to this address. If your staff member is already registered with the same e-mail address, we will send a push notification to his/her mobile device as well.
Accepting an Invitation
To accept an invitation, your staff member first needs to create a Goalify Account. Our invitation e-mails include easy to follow step-by-step instructions.
Hiding a Staff Member
Quick Step Tutorial
- Go to your team's Members menu
- Open the staff member's dashboard
- With the Actions button select the Edit Member option
- Set the visibility setting to hidden
When working with a team of coaches, not all coaches might be directly involved with client communication. You can choose to exclude coaches from the team’s coaches list, which clients can access from Goalify mobile app and web access.
To adjust a staff member's visibility, open the member's dashboard from the member menu. With the main Action button, select the Edit Member option. This will open the member details widget, where you will find the Visibility setting at the very bottom. Adjust the setting to Hidden and the member will be excluded from the coaches list. You can change this setting at any time.
Removing a Staff Member
You can remove staff members from a team at any time. Removed staff members will lose access to the team immediately. Removing a staff member from all teams of an owner will also free up a license which can be reassigned to a new staff member.
From the teams member site click the Members option of the team you want to administer.
Click on the staff member's name you would like to remove and with the Actions button select the Delete Member option. You will need to confirm this action.
Downgrading your Subscription Tier
Remember that removing staff does not remove the associated license; instead, it just becomes unassigned. If you want to downgrade to another pricing plan, you might need to remove the license too. Read our Understanding Licenses guide for more information.