Understanding Member Roles

When using Goalify Professional, there are different roles a user can assume. Each of these roles has different capabilities; this article gives you an overview of those roles and what each role entitles a user to.

It is important to remember that the user roles coach and client are always defined by the context of a team. A user can assume different roles within different teams, i.e. be a coach in one team and a client in another.

Goalify Account

When you create an account via Goalify Professional or using the Goalify mobile app, you become a Goalify User. As a Goalify user you can do the following:

  • Create goals for yourself
  • Create challenges
  • Take part in groups
  • Become a client or assume any of the other user roles

Signing up for a Goalify account is a mandatory step.

When you create your account on the Goalify mobile app, you start with an unregistered account. While it is not required, we strongly suggest registering your account with an e-mail address. You can learn more about it in the Goalify help.


When you purchase any of the Goalify Professional plans, you become an owner. As an owner you can do these things:

  • Create and manage your teams
  • Purchase additional licenses
  • Invite and manage coaches and clients
  • Use all available features

The owner has complete administrative rights over a team, and is the only user that can do the following:

  • Upgrade and downgrade to a different pricing plan
  • View invoices
  • Assign coaches limited administrative rights

You are only the owner of the teams you created. It is possible to be the owner of your own teams, while also being an coach in a team you have been invited to participate in. Consequently, you only have the rights of an owner for the teams you own.


You need to be invited by an owner to become a coach in one or more of his or her teams. As a coach you can do these things:

  • Create your own dashboard
  • Manage clients and their goals
  • Create and manage documents
  • Create and send campaigns
  • Chat with all other staff on the team

Coaches have full administrative rights over clients and their goals.

Owners can give coaches additional administrative privileges. Such coaches can invite and manage other coaches and clients.


You need to be invited to become a client. As a client you can do the following, using the free Goalify mobile app:

  • Record your progress for coached goals
  • Analyze your progress
  • Chat with your coaches
  • Use all premium features of the Goalify Unlimited Edition