Working with Templates

We created Goalify Professional to make your life as a coach easier. Goal templates is a feature that you will immediately appreciate as a huge time saver and to simplify your work. Create a template once and use it to quickly create a new goal for a single client or even a list of clients. Learn all about using templates in this document.

Understanding Templates

Templates serve as a blue print for new goals that you create. Using templates you can reuse the same structure and definition for numerous goals. You can create both goals and shared goals using templates.

Changes to a template do not affect goals that have been created using the template. If you look for an option to manage a single goal for a list of clients, take a look at our shared goals feature.

Templates vs. Assigned Goals

Templates can be used to quickly create a new goal. Changes to a template are not reflected by goals that have been created with that template. Goals created from a template behave just like goals created from scratch.

Creating a Template

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Goal Templates menu
  2. Choose the Add Template option using the Action button
  3. Define the template

To create a new goal template, switch to the Goal Templates dashboard of your team. With the main Action button, select the Add Template option.

This will open the create a new template window. You can either start with one of our 4 basic goal types or use an already existing template to create a copy to modify.

Save your work as draft

When you work on a new template you can save your work as draft to be completed and assigned at a later time. Learn more about drafts in the Manage Goals documentation.

Goal templates are created just like regular goals, but do not have a start or end date. To learn everything about the different kind of settings and options, please read our Managing Goals for a Client guide.

By default, a new template will be open-ended. You can set a specific duration by switching the repeat forever toggle to off. You'll find the toggle in the goal's target section. With the toggle switched to off, a repetition control is shown, letting you control the duration of the goal. You can combine any number of individual target blocks with their own repetition cycles.

Create a template from an existing goal

You can create a template from every goal. Just open the goal, switch to the setup tab and choose the Make Template option from the action button.

Adjusting a Template

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Goal Templates menu
  2. Open the specific template
  3. Make the necessary adjustments

To adjust an already existing goal template, switch to the Goal Templates dashboard of your team. Open the template you would like to make changes to. You open a template by clicking on its name. Please keep in mind, that changes to a template do not affect goals that have been created using this template.

You can only change some properties of an already existing template:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Unit
  • End date

Goal Target

You can make changes to the full target setup of a template.

Changes to a Template

Changes to a template are not reflected by goals that have been created with that template. Changes only affect the template itself.

Using a Template

To create a new goal for a client using a template you have two options:

  • From the member list
  • From the templates dashboard itself

Option 1: From the Members List

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Members menu
  2. Select your client
  3. Choose the Add Goal option using the Action button
  4. Select the template from the template list
  5. Make final adjustments and assign the goal

The steps necessary to create a new goal for a single client using a template is almost identical to creating a new goal from scratch.

To create a new goal for one of your clients, switch to the Members list of your team. Select the client you wish to create the goal for. With the main Action button, select the Add Goal option.

This will open the create goal window. Simply select the template from the template list and make final adjustments before creating and assigning the goal. Please read our Managing Goals for a Client guide to learn all about managing goals for your clients.

Option 2: From the Templates Dashboard

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Goal Templates menu
  2. Click the ⋮ button of the specific template from the template list
  3. Choose the assign option
  4. Select the clients

To create a goal for a client or a list of clients, switch to the Goal Templates dashboard of your team. Choose the template you want to create the goal from and click the options ⋮ button to the left of the template's name. Select the assign option to continue.

Using the assign window you can select all clients that you would like to create a goal for. Each client is assigned his/her own copy of the goal. Use the search option to quickly find clients by name or tags.

You can also make final adjustments to the goal you are about to create, without making changes to the template itself. This is very handy in case you want to adjust the name or start date. To make changes use the Edit now button.

To create the goals for the selected clients click the Assign To Clients button. You will have to confirm this action.

Copying a Template

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Goal Templates menu
  2. Click the ⋮ button next to the template's name
  3. Choose the Copy to…

To copy or duplicate a template, switch to the Goal Templates menu. Choose the template you want to copy and click the option ⋮ button to the left of the name. Select the Copy to… option to continue.

Copying to another Team

Coaches with access to multiple teams which belong to the same owner account, can copy templates from one team to another. Coaches with Team manager permissions can copy templates from any team to any team he/she has access to.

Sharing Templates with Clients

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Goal Templates menu
  2. Open the template
  3. Open the Client Access tab

Coaches can also share templates with clients. Clients can review the list of available templates from within the Goalify mobile app/Goalify web access and use them to create new goals.

While clients can choose when to start and when to stop working on the goals they have created using a coach's template, clients cannot change the goal itself. Such a goal will also be automatically shared with the coach, and he/she can review a client's progress or make changes to the goal.

Access to templates is managed for each template individually, and you can choose to grant access

  • to only specific clients
  • to clients associated with a particular tag
  • to all clients

To update a template's access properties, switch to the Goal Templates dashboard of your team. Open the template you would like to make changes to by clicking on its name.

From the Client Access tab you can choose to provide access to

  • coaches (default)
  • specific clients
  • all clients

You can select specific clients by adding them individually or you can use tags. When you add a tag, all clients who are tagged with this tag will gain access to this template.

Deleting a Template

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Goal Templates menu
  2. Open the template
  3. Choose the Delete Goal option from the Actions button.
  4. Confirm deleting the template

To delete a template, switch to the Goal Templates dashboard of your team. Open the template by clicking on its name.

From the template's dashboard, choose the Delete Goal option from the Actions button.. You will have to confirm that you want to delete the template, as this action cannot be reversed.