Designing Workflows

Designing Goalify workflows is very easy and intuitive thanks to our visual design approach. Use the Workflow Designer to draw and structure your workflows and processes, and then use that very same design with the push of a button. You will no longer need separate tools for visualizing processes and implementing them. You can learn more about this amazing feature below.

To design or adjust a specific workflow, switch to your teams Workflows menu. Click on the name of the workflow to open the Workflow Designer.

Use the workflow designer to:

  • Design the workflow visually
  • Adjust the general settings of a workflow
  • Manage different versions of a workflow
  • Provide clients access to a workflow
  • Assign and deploy workflow cycles to clients
Goalify Workflow Designer
Goalify Professional's Workflow Designer.

Adding Steps

A workflow design consists of any number of steps. A step can either be a task, counter, timer, upload or pause. If necessary, steps can be arranged in a specific order in which they need to be completed.

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Workflows menu
  2. Open the workflow
  3. Drag & drop steps onto the canvas

When designing your workflow, you have five different types of step elements that help you to build the different stages/jobs of the workflow. You add steps to a workflow by simply dragging them from the toolbar onto the canvas.

Task step

A specific task or assignment that needs to be completed. Example: Please read the attached mission and vision statement of our company.

Counter step

A specific task that needs to be repeated several times to be completed. Example: Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Timer step

A task that is marked completed after a certain amount of time without user interaction. Example: Stretch your left arm for 30 seconds.

Upload step

Ask for a certain file or document to be uploaded. Example: Please download and fill in the attached form. Upload the completed form when you are done.


Adds a specific amount of time between the completion of one step and when the next step becomes available. A pause is only a design element and is not visible to a client. Example: Complete a step by Friday, add a 2 day pause for the weekend before starting the next step on Monday.


Add a junction whenever you need a collection of steps to be completed before the next collection of steps becomes available. A junction is only a design element and is not visible to a client. Example: Complete 3 steps in any order and then do the next step.

Add Step Dependencies

Whenever you want to make sure that a certain step only becomes available when a prior step is completed, then you need to draw a connection from the first to the second step. A step can also be dependent on the completion of a number of previous steps.

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Hover your mouse over the prerequisite step
  2. Click & hold the blue connector icon
  3. Move your mouse to the dependent step
  4. Release the mouse

Remove Step Dependencies

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Hover your mouse over the arrow representing the dependency
  2. Click the delete icon

Adjust Step Settings

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Click on the name of the step to open the settings window
  2. Make your changes
  3. Click the Update Step button to apply changes

Every step has a number of settings, for example the step's name and description, that you can adjust.

Step Name

The name of the step as seen by the client

Internal Name

An alternative name for the step, only seen by coaches.

Step Description

Provide enough guidance so that your client can understand the step's purpose/outcome. Try to keep this description short and simple. If you need to provide more information, attach it using the document feature.

Require Text Feedback

Whenever the client marks the step complete or adds an activity, feedback is required.

Target Value

Describes the target value of the counter step. This setting is only available for the counter step.

Unit (optional)

Describes the unit in which the target value is counted. This setting is optional and only available for the counter step.

Attaching Documents

Goalify Professional's document feature is also available for workflow steps. This allows you to add a wealth of additional information to each step: documents, pictures, videos, forms or even dynamic web content.

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Click on the name of the step
  2. Switch to the Documents tab
  3. Manage and attach your documents

To attach documents to a step, open the settings window by clicking on the name of a step. Next, switch to the Documents tab. You can attach and manage documents for this step by clicking on the stable icon. Learn more about managing documents by reading our documents guide.

Timing Steps

By default, steps that are part of a Goalify workflow are not bound to any time constraints. However, you can add both a start time and a duration to a step to further structure your workflow.

Adding timing to a step will allow you to do the following:

  • Only allow the step to become available at a certain time, day of the week or even month
  • Specify a maximum amount of time available for the step's completion, after which time it would be marked overdue.

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Click on the name of the step
  2. Switch to the Timing tab
  3. Set Duration & Start times

To set a start time or duration for a step, open the settings window by clicking on the name of a step. Next, switch to the Timing tab.


The duration setting lets you add a timing constraint to a step. If the step is not completed within that given time frame, it will be marked as overdue. An overdue step can still be accessed and marked completed by a client. However, the completion will still be marked late.

There are three different options to set a duration:


Open-ended steps do not have a specified duration and will not become overdue. Subsequent steps become available right after this step's completion.

Fixed Duration

You can provide a fixed duration in seconds, minutes and hours. Subsequent steps will become available only after the given time, even if they have been completed before the specified duration. If the duration is exceeded and the step is not marked complete, the step becomes overdue.

Enable the "Start successor steps immediately when this step is marked completed" option to show subsequent steps to a client immediately after this step's completion.

Fluid Duration

Using our fluid duration setting, you have access to more dynamic timing options. A fluid duration allows you to set the duration of a step, for example by the end of the current day. Depending on the step's actual start time, this may give the client 14 hours to work on it (when started at 10 am) or only 4 hours (when started at 8 pm). You can use fluid durations to tie a step's duration to a specific weekday, or even to a certain day of the month. You may also choose to combine the fluid setting with a specific time of day.

Start Time

You can set a specific time of the day for a step to become available. The start time has a different effect for initial steps (i.e. steps without a predecessor) and those that follow after another step.

Initial Step
If a workflow is started after a step's given start time, the step becomes available immediately. The start time is the actual time specified for the step and not the workflow's start time. A step with a duration might therefore already be marked as overdue when it becomes available.

Subsequent Step
If a subsequent step has a start time that is earlier than the completion time of the preceding step, then the subsequent step will become available the next day at the specified time.

This also happens when the preceding step's start time and duration settings are past a subsequent step's start time.