Working with Workflows

Creating a New Workflow

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Workflow menu
  2. Choose the Add Workflow option using the Action button
  3. Provide a name for the workflow
  4. Use the workflow designer to create the workflow

To create a new workflow, switch to the Workflow menu of your team. With the main Action button, select the Add Workflow option.

Enter a name for your workflow and proceed to the workflow designer by clicking the Create button. You can learn more about designing and creating a workflow by reading our Designing Workflows Guide.

Workflow Settings

Each workflow has a set of general settings that apply to all versions of a workflow and version settings which are version specific and only apply to the currently selected version. All changes to a workflow's settings are also applied to its deployed cycles.

You adjust the workflow settings by clicking on the Settings button from within the Workflow Designer. You can show and hide certain advanced settings by using the Advanced Options toggle.

General Settings

Workflow Name

This name is shown when clients are working on a workflow.

Internal Name

This name is shown to coaches instead of the workflow name. Clients do not see this name. This is an advanced setting.

Description Text

Allows you to provide some information about this workflow to coaches and clients.


Whether or not clients are allowed to start, stop or reschedule a workflow cycle themselves.

Deployment Access

Whether or not all or selected clients are able to independently deploy a new cycle of this workflow on demand.

Step Start/Due (Clients)

Enable notifications for clients for when timed steps that are part of this workflow become available or are marked as overdue. Clients have the option to change their notification preferences.

Deploy/Archive (Coaches)

Enable notifications for coaches when a client deploys, completes or archives a workflow cycle.

Version Settings

Version Name

The version name replaces the general workflow name and is shown to clients instead of the workflow name. This is an advanced setting.

Internal Version Name

This name is shown to coaches for the individual version. It helps coaches to recognize a specific version more easily. Clients do not see this name. This is an advanced setting.

Step Succession

You may choose to provide access to steps that would otherwise be blocked by overdue steps, even if its predecessors are not marked as completed, by choosing the Aggressive Succession option.

View Past Steps

Whether or not clients are allowed view completed steps. This is an advanced setting.

View Next Steps

Whether or not clients are allowed view a list of all steps that are coming up next. This is an advanced setting.

View Future Steps

Whether or not clients are allowed view a list of all future steps. This is an advanced setting.

Fixed Start Day

You may need to ensure that the initial steps of a workflow start on a specific weekday. This setting will adjust any given start date of a workflow to match the selected option.This is an advanced setting.

Start Day Direction

This setting is connected to the Fixed Start Day setting, allowing you to adjust whether the current or next/past day that matches the above selection should be considered as a valid start date for this workflow. This is an advanced setting.

You store all settings by clicking on the Update Settings button on the top right corner.

Saving and Applying Changes

Settings are only applied to the workflow and all of its deployed cycles when you save changes made to your workflow by clicking the Save button within the main window of the Workflow Designer.

Adjusting a Workflow

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Workflow menu
  2. Click on the name of the workflow
  3. Makes changes
  4. Save and apply changes by clicking the Save button

Goalify workflows are very flexible and can be modified at any time. This is true for both the design of a workflow and all of its settings. Saved changes are pushed to all deployed cycles of the workflow. To help you avoid any pitfalls, we have introduced the option of saving updates to a workflow as new versions. When deploying a workflow, you can choose which version should be used for this specific deployment.

Using Workflow Versions

Changes made to the design of a workflow are applied to already deployed cycles. Optionally, you can create a new version of the workflow so that already deployed cycles remain unchanged; i.e. changes are only applied to future deployments.

Creating a New Version

When you open a workflow with cycles that have already been deployed, you are presented with two options: you can create a new version, or you can edit the current version. You need to choose one of these two options before you can apply and save changes to the workflow.

New versions are a duplicate of the latest workflow version – all versions of a workflow are stored with the workflow itself. This will help you minimize the number of workflows for each team while also keeping workflow versions together and thus more organized.

Naming Workflow Versions

You can provide a name for each version that is only visible to coaches. You will find this advanced option in the Version Settings tab of each workflow.

Deploying a Workflow

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Workflow menu
  2. Click on the options button to the left of the workflow name
  3. Choose the Deploy option
  4. Select clients
  5. Click the Deploy Now button

To deploy a new workflow cycle to one or more clients, switch to the Workflow menu of your team. Choose the Deploy option using the Options button to the left of the name of the workflow. This will open the Workflow Deployment window.

These are the options you may need to adjust for each deployment:

Selected Clients

You select clients by using the Select Clients button. All clients you select will be assigned an individual cycle of this workflow, which they are to complete individually.

Workflow Start

When you deploy a workflow, you have different options for setting a start date and time for the workflow cycle:

  • Deploy & Start Now: Start the workflow immediately when it is deployed.
  • Deploy With Manual Start: Start the workflow at a specific time on a specific date.
  • Deploy Without Start: Do not start the workflow when it's deployed.
Cycle Subject

You may choose to set a subject for the workflow cycle. The subject will be displayed alongside the workflow name. Setting a subject will help you and your clients to recognize individual cycles more easily.

Workflow Version

You may choose to deploy a specific version of a workflow. We set the latest version as the default option.

After selecting clients and adjusting the settings for this deployment, you deploy the workflow by clicking the Deploy Now button in the top right corner.

Depending on the workflow's notification settings, clients will be informed about the deployment via e-mail and/or push notification.

Providing Clients Access

When clients need to be able to independently deploy a new workflow cycle on-demand, you first have to provide them with the proper access. Providing this access does not give the client access to the workflow itself or permit changes to the workflow. Client access only provides a client with the option to deploy a new workflow cycle when needed.

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Workflow menu
  2. Click on the workflow name
  3. Click the Settings button
  4. Scroll down to the Deployment Access setting
  5. Choose the All Clients or Selected Clients option

To provide clients with access, switch to your team's Workflows menu, and open the workflow by clicking on its name. Click on the Settings button, and under the General Settings tab scroll down to the Deployment Access setting.

You may choose to provide access for all clients of a team – this can also include future clients that you add to your team later, or only selected clients. When choosing the selected clients option you are asked to select clients from your current client list.

You can update this setting at any time by either choosing a different access option or by adding/removing clients from the selected clients list.

Copying a Workflow

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Workflow menu
  2. Click the ⋮ button next to the workflow's name
  3. Choose the Copy to…

To copy or duplicate a workflow, switch to the Workflow menu. Choose the workflow you want to copy and click the option ⋮ button to the left of the name. Select the Copy to… option to continue.

Copying to another Team

Coaches with access to multiple teams which belong to the same owner account, can copy workflows from one team to another. Coaches with Team manager permissions can copy workflows from any team to any team he/she has access to.

Deleting a Workflow

Deleting a Workflow

Deleting a workflow affects all versions and all deployed cycles of the workflow. This action will also delete all connected client data. Be aware that this step CANNOT BE UNDONE and you will not be able to recover the workflow or any of its connected data.

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Go to your team's Workflow menu
  2. Open the workflow
  3. Choose the Delete Workflow option using the Action button

To delete a workflow, switch to the Workflow menu of your team. Open the respective workflow by clicking on its name. Choose the Delete Workflow option using the Action button on the top right of the screen.

Deleting a workflow will also delete all of its connected data:

  • All versions of the workflow are deleted
  • All deployed cycles of the workflow are deleted
  • All connected client-generated data is deleted