Managing your Goals

Goals are at the heart of Goalify - everything revolves around your goals. That's precisely why we made sure that it is really easy to create and manage goals. This document will provide you with the ins and outs of managing your goals.

Creating a New Goal

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Choose the Add Goal option using the Action button
  2. Define the goal

Open Goalify web access and switch to the Dashboard menu. Use the main Action button in the upper right corner and select the Add Goal option.

This will open the window you use to create a goal.

Understanding Goalify Goals

Creating a goal in Goalify is easy, but we strongly suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the key concepts that define a goal. Read our Understanding Goalify Goals documentation to learn everything you need to know.

Step 1: Choose the goal type

First, you will have to select the type of goal. We made it easier to choose the correct goal type by providing some example applications.

Step 2: Adjust the settings

Next, you will be presented with a list of different options that you can adjust to your liking.


Try to pick a short and descriptive name for your goal – long names might not be fully displayed on the Goalify mobile app.


This is used to describe the necessary action for this goal.


Unit describes the unit used to record activities for this goal. Units might be miles, pages, liters, times. Units are only available for target amount and limit goals.


This is the start date of the goal. You can set it to any date, even past and future dates. If you create a weekly or monthly goal, you will only be able to choose dates at the beginning of these periods. The start date of a goal cannot be changed after the goal has been created.

Repeats every

This defines the period within which the goal needs to be achieved. If you need to create quarterly or even yearly goals, choose the custom option.

Repeats variant

By default goals repeat every period, but you can set up the goal to only become active every second period, e.g. to not repeat daily but instead every other day.

Fixed Settings

While most settings can be adjusted even after the goal has been created, some cannot be changed. These settings are goal type, language, start date and period length.

Step 3: Define the goal target

You will only need to define a goal's target for target amount and limit goals. The target describes the specific amount of units that have to be reached to complete the goal. Simply adjust the number in the respective field.

If you set a target, it will be applied to all subsequent periods as well. If you want to set different targets for future periods, use the Duplicate Below button to create a copy of the existing entry or the Add Period button to create a new entry. By adjusting the Repetition field you can specify when this new target will be applied.

Setting Individual Targets for Different Days

For daily goals, you can even set a specific target for each day of the week. You can also choose to pause the goal on certain days. This will allow you to create daily goals that are only active Monday through Friday, for example, or only on weekends, or any other combination of days you need.

Pausing a Goal

If you want to add rest periods for the goal, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new target entry
  2. Set the Starting with date field to the beginning of a paused period
  3. Uncheck the Target Select box.
  4. Create another entry for the end of the paused period and adjust the target accordingly

Advanced Goal Setup

When you create a new goal, we have hidden some of the more advanced settings for clarity and ease of use. In some cases, it might be necessary to make adjustments to these settings. To access the advanced options, set the Show Advanced Options switch to on in step two of the create goal wizard.

These are the advanced options:


This is the end date of a goal. You can leave this blank and the goal will keep repeating until you set an end date or you delete it.


You can choose on which day a new week will start, i.e. on Sunday or on Monday.

Custom Timing

By default, you can create daily, weekly and monthly goals that repeat every period or even every other period. This will be sufficient in most cases. If you do need to create goals with different timing (i.e. period length) you can choose the Custom option in the Repeats Every selection box.

This will bring up the following advanced options:

Period Unit

Basic unit a period is based on

Periods to Complete

Number of periods until the goal repeats itself again

Target Block Size

Number of periods that are grouped together to build repeating blocks

Adjusting the above settings will let you create a variety of timing setups. Let's look at some example configurations that you might find helpful:

Repeat every two weeks

  • Set Period Unit to Days
  • Set Periods to Complete to 14
  • Leave Target Block Size at 1

This goal will need to be accomplished within 14 days. After 14 days it will repeat itself.

Repeat quarterly

  • Set Period Unit to Months
  • Set Periods to Complete to 3
  • Leave Target Block Size at 1

This goal will need to be accomplished within a quarter (i.e. every three months). It will repeat itself every quarter. You'll probably want to align the Start Date of the goal with the calendar (i.e. starting January, April, July or October).

Progressive Target

Imagine you want to create a weekly running goal with an increasing target for four weeks, and then repeat this cycle again.

  • Set Period Unit to Days
  • Set Periods to Complete to 7
  • Set Target Block Size to 4
  • Switch the Set Individual Targets switch to unlocked

You can now set increasing targets for each of the four weeks. After the four weeks, the target will repeat with the first target again, only to increase again the next week.

Adjusting an Existing Goal

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. From the main dashboard open the Goal tab
  2. Select the goal in the goal list
  3. Switch to the setup tab

To adjust an already existing goal, open the main dashboard and click on the Goals tab*. Click on the name of the goal you would like to make changes to. This will open the goal's dashboard.

From the goal's dashboard, click the Goal Setup menu item. You can only make specific changes to the Goal Setup, but you can fully adjust a goal's targets.

Goal Setup

You can only change some properties of an already existing goal:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Unit
  • End date

Goal Target

You can make changes to the current target as well as future targets. You can also create new targets for future periods.

Deleting a Goal

Quick Setup Tutorial

  1. Open the goal from the goal list
  2. Choose the Delete Goal option from the Actions button
  3. Confirm that you want to delete the goal

To delete a goal, open the main dashboard and click on the Goals tab. Click on the name of the goal that you would like to delete.

From the goal's dashboard, choose the Delete Goal option from the Actions button. You will have to confirm that you want to delete the goal – keep in mind that this action is permanent.

Deleting a Goal

If you delete a goal, you will lose access to its data and it will no longer show up in the goal list. This action CANNOT be undone.